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add(String, Object) - Method in interface net.sf.openschema.Frame
Add a value to the existing values of a key.
add(String, Object) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.MapFrame
Add a value to the existing values of a key.
addAggrBoundary() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.DocumentPlan
Closes the current aggregation segment and creates a new one.
addClause(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.DocumentPlan
Adds a new clause to the open paragraph and aggregation segment.
addParBoundary() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.DocumentPlan
Closes the current aggregation segment (deletes it if it's empty), closes the current paragraph and creates a new paragraph with a new aggregation segment inside.
aggrBoundary - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.DecoratedNode
Crossed an aggregation boundary?
aggrBoundary - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
AggrBoundary() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node.AggrBoundary
AGGRBOUNDARY_NODE - Static variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Aggregation boundary node.
assembleFD(List<AttributeValuePair>, Set<String>) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Create a functional description from the JAXB code.
assembleSchema(OpenSchema) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Construct the nodes network from a JAXB generated schema class.
AttributeValuePair - Class in net.sf.jfuf.fd
An attribute-value pair.
AttributeValuePair() - Constructor for class net.sf.jfuf.fd.AttributeValuePair


build(OpenSchemaPlanner.Node, OpenSchemaPlanner.Node, List<SchemaNode.Node>, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Construct the network for a given construction in the schema language.


Cache() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Cache
Construct an empty cache.
cache - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Cache
The cache itself, as a map from nodes to Entry.
canBeInstantiated(OpenSchemaPlanner.Node, Map<String, Frame>, OpenSchemaPlanner.Cache, Ontology, FrameSet) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Check whether there is valid data to instantiate a node or not, given an initial variable mapping.
check(Map<Object, Frame>, Ontology) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.Property
Check whether a map of variables to values verifies or not this property.
choice - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
choose(List<Map<String, Object>>, List<Frame>, Object, List<Frame>, List<Frame>, FrameSet) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.GreedyChooser
choose(List<Map<String, Object>>, List<Frame>, Object, List<Frame>, List<Frame>, FrameSet) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.LocalChooser
Decide which continuation to follow in the schema instantiation process.
choose(List<Map<String, Object>>, List<Frame>, Object, List<Frame>, List<Frame>, FrameSet) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.RandomChooser
choose(List<Map<String, Object>>, List<Frame>, Object, List<Frame>, List<Frame>, FrameSet) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SimpleFocusChooser
Choose the appropriate continuation, using some of McKeown (1985) strategies.
chooseOnPotentialToPotentialLinks(List<Integer>, List<Frame>, List<Map<String, Object>>, List<Frame>, FrameSet) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SimpleFocusChooser
Final decision on a smaller set of candidates using the potential to potential links.
chooser - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
LocalChooser, decides which node to continue the instantiation of the schema.
computeConfusionSet(OpenSchemaPlanner.Node, Map<String, Frame>, OpenSchemaPlanner.Cache, Ontology, FrameSet) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Compute all the nodes that are reachable from current node without passing through another Predicate node.
containsKey(String) - Method in interface net.sf.openschema.Frame
Check whether or not a key is defined.
containsKey(String) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.MapFrame
Check whether or not a key is defined.
createAttributeValuePair() - Method in class net.sf.jfuf.fd.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of AttributeValuePair
createFD() - Method in class net.sf.jfuf.fd.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of FD
createOpenSchema() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of OpenSchema
createOpenSchemaPredicate() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of OpenSchema.Predicate
createOpenSchemaPredicateOutput() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of OpenSchema.Predicate.Output
createOpenSchemaPredicateProperty() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of OpenSchema.Predicate.Property
createOpenSchemaPredicateVariable() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of OpenSchema.Predicate.Variable
createSchemaNode() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of SchemaNode
createSchemaNodeNode() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of SchemaNode.Node
createSchemaNodeNodeAggrBoundary() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of SchemaNode.Node.AggrBoundary
createSchemaNodeNodeParBoundary() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of SchemaNode.Node.ParBoundary
createSchemaNodeNodePredicate() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of SchemaNode.Node.Predicate
createSchemaNodeNodePredicateVariable() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.ObjectFactory
CsvToRDF - Class in net.sf.openschema.demo
Helper class to transform a list of triples to RDF.
CsvToRDF() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.demo.CsvToRDF
CsvToRdfFilterStream - Class in net.sf.openschema.util
A filter stream that transform a list of triples in comma separated format into RDF.
CsvToRdfFilterStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.util.CsvToRdfFilterStream
currentFocus - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.LocalChooser.Decision
New current focus.


Decision(int, Frame, List<Frame>) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.LocalChooser.Decision
Full constructor (this class is immutable).
DecoratedNode(OpenSchemaPlanner.Node) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.DecoratedNode
Default constructor
DecoratedNode(OpenSchemaPlanner.Node, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.DecoratedNode
Initialized constructor.
defaultFocus - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Variable
defaultFocus - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Predicate
Default focus (variable name).
distance(Object, Object) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.EmptyOntology
Return 0.0 only when concept1 equals concept2 (1.0 otherwise) .
distance(Object, Object) - Method in interface net.sf.openschema.Ontology
Some notion of semantic distance between the two concepts.
distance(Object, Object) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.RDFOntology
Some notion of semantic distance between the two concepts.
DocumentPlan - Class in net.sf.openschema
A document plan, the output of document structuring schemata.
DocumentPlan() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.DocumentPlan
Empty constructor.
dump() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Show the network (for debugging purposes)
dump(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Show the network (for debugging purposes)
dump(StringBuilder, OpenSchemaPlanner.Node, Set<OpenSchemaPlanner.Node>, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Recursive method for dump.


EMPTY_FOCUS - Static variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
EMPTY_NODE - Static variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Empty node, only used for structural purposes.
EmptyOntology - Class in net.sf.openschema
An implementation of the Ontology interface where each concept is in a separate class.
EmptyOntology() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.EmptyOntology
Entry(OpenSchemaPlanner.Node, Map<String, Frame>) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Cache.Entry
Construct a new entry for a given node and global variables.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.MapFrame
equals(OpenSchemaPlanner.Node, Map<String, Frame>) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Cache.Entry
Check when the node and the variables are the same.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.DecoratedNode
extractPotentialFoci(Map<String, Object>, FrameSet) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.LocalChooser
Extract a set of potential foci from a given clause.
extractTriples(Model) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.RDFFrameSet
Extract the frames from the RDF model.
extractTriples(Model) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.RDFOntology
Extract the triples from the Model into the ontology.


FD - Class in net.sf.jfuf.fd
Java class for anonymous complex type.
FD() - Constructor for class net.sf.jfuf.fd.FD
fd - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Output
fetch(OpenSchemaPlanner.Node, Map<String, Frame>) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Cache
Access the cache by searching for the list of values for this node and variables.
findOrCreate(String) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.RDFFrameSet
Find a frame with a given id or creates it anew if it is not found.
Frame - Interface in net.sf.openschema
Knowledge frames, part of the FrameSet, the input to the document structuring schemata.
frames - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.RDFFrameSet
The frames themselves, map from frame name to MapFrame.
FrameSet - Interface in net.sf.openschema
An interface specifying the input to document structuring schemata.
framesUnderType(Object, Ontology, FrameSet) - Static method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Retrieve all the frames in a FrameSet which type is a subtype of a given type.


g - Variable in class net.sf.jfuf.fd.AttributeValuePair
get(String) - Method in interface net.sf.openschema.Frame
Access a value in the frame.
get(String) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.MapFrame
Access a value in the frame.
getAggrBoundary() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
Gets the value of the aggrBoundary property.
getChoice() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
Gets the value of the choice property.
getCurrentFocus() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.LocalChooser.Decision
New current focus.
getDefaultFocus() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Predicate
Default focus (variable name) accessor.
getFD() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Output
Gets the value of the fd property.
getFrame(String) - Method in interface net.sf.openschema.FrameSet
Get a frame with a given name or null if is undefined.
getFrame(String) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.RDFFrameSet
Get a frame with a given name.
getFrames() - Method in interface net.sf.openschema.FrameSet
Get all the frames.
getFrames() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.RDFFrameSet
Get all the frames.
getG() - Method in class net.sf.jfuf.fd.AttributeValuePair
Gets the value of the g property.
getID() - Method in interface net.sf.openschema.Frame
Access the ID of the frame.
getID() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.MapFrame
Access the ID of the frame.
getID() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate
Gets the value of the id property.
getID() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Variable
Gets the value of the id property.
getID() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Predicate
ID accessor.
getKleenePlus() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
Gets the value of the kleenePlus property.
getKleeneStar() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
Gets the value of the kleeneStar property.
getN() - Method in class net.sf.jfuf.fd.AttributeValuePair
Gets the value of the n property.
getName() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node.Predicate
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node.Predicate.Variable
Gets the value of the name property.
getNode() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.DecoratedNode
Get the node being decorated.
getNode() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode
Gets the value of the node property.
getOptional() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
Gets the value of the optional property.
getOutgoing() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
Access all nodes accessable from this node.
getOutput() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate
Gets the value of the output property.
getOutput() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Predicate
Accessor to the FD to be used as clause, after changing the variables to actual values.
getParagraphs() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.DocumentPlan
Obtain the list of paragraphs.
getParBoundary() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
Gets the value of the parBoundary property.
getPosition() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.LocalChooser.Decision
Position in the original list of the chosen continuation.
getPotentialFoci() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.LocalChooser.Decision
New potential focus list.
getPredicate() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema
Gets the value of the predicate property.
getPredicate() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
Access the predicate referenced by this node (if any).
getPredicate() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
Gets the value of the predicate property.
getProperties() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Predicate
Properties that the variables should hold.
getProperty() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate
Gets the value of the property property.
getSchema() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema
Gets the value of the schema property.
getSequence() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
Gets the value of the sequence property.
getType() - Method in interface net.sf.openschema.Frame
Access the type of the frame.
getType() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.MapFrame
Access the type of the frame.
getType() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Variable
Gets the value of the type property.
getType() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
Node type accessor.
getV() - Method in class net.sf.jfuf.fd.AttributeValuePair
Gets the value of the v property.
getV() - Method in class net.sf.jfuf.fd.FD
Gets the value of the v property.
getValue() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Property
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node.Predicate.Variable
Gets the value of the value property.
getValues() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Cache.Entry
Access the values list.
getVariable() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate
Gets the value of the variable property.
getVariable() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node.Predicate
Gets the value of the variable property.
getVars() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
Access the global-to-local variable names mapping (if any).
getVars() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Predicate
Mapping from variable names to types.
GreedyChooser - Class in net.sf.openschema
A greedy continuation chooser that always returns the first element of the possible alternatives.
GreedyChooser() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.GreedyChooser


hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.MapFrame
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.DecoratedNode


id - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate
id - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Variable
id - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Predicate
Predicate ID.
instantiate(FrameSet, Map<String, Frame>, Ontology) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Main method, takes data to instantiate the schema, an initial variable mapping and an ontology and returns a DocumentPlan.
instantiateClause(Map<String, Object>, Map<Object, Frame>) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Instantiate a given FD by changing all the variable references via a provided variable mapping.
instantiatePredicate(OpenSchemaPlanner.Node, Map<String, Frame>, OpenSchemaPlanner.Cache, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Instantiate a predicate by fetching the values from the cache and resolving variables in the output FD of the predicate.
isA(Object, Object) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.EmptyOntology
Returns true only with child equals parent.
isA(Object, Object) - Method in interface net.sf.openschema.Ontology
Whether a child concept is a sub-type of the parent.
isA(Object, Object) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.RDFOntology
Whether a child concept is a sub-type of the parent.
isAggrBoundary() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.DecoratedNode
Whether or not the path to get to the decorated node crossed an aggregation boundary.
isAggrBoundary() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
Check whether the type of the node is AGGRBOUNDARY_NODE.
isDefaultFocus() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Variable
Gets the value of the defaultFocus property.
isParBoundary() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.DecoratedNode
Whether or not the path to get to the decorated node crossed a paragraph boundary.
isParBoundary() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
Check whether the type of the node is PARBOUNDARY_NODE.
isPredicate() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
Check whether the type of the node is PREDICATE_NODE.
isRequired() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Variable
Gets the value of the required property.


keySet() - Method in interface net.sf.openschema.Frame
Retrieve the set of all keys.
keySet() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.MapFrame
Retrieve the set of all keys.
kleenePlus - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
kleeneStar - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node


linkTo(OpenSchemaPlanner.Node) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
Add a link from the current node to the destination node.
LocalChooser - Class in net.sf.openschema
Abstract class for deciding which continuation to follow in the schema instantiation process.
LocalChooser() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.LocalChooser
LocalChooser.Decision - Class in net.sf.openschema
LocalChooser Decision inner class.


main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.openschema.demo.CsvToRDF
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.openschema.demo.SchemaToXML
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.openschema.demo.TemplateSystem
MapFrame - Class in net.sf.openschema
A Frame implementation using java.util.Map
MapFrame(String, Object) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.MapFrame
Construct a frame with a given id and type.


n - Variable in class net.sf.jfuf.fd.AttributeValuePair
name - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
Name, for debugging purposes
name - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode
name - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node.Predicate
name - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node.Predicate.Variable
net.sf.jfuf.fd - package net.sf.jfuf.fd
net.sf.openschema - package net.sf.openschema
net.sf.openschema.demo - package net.sf.openschema.demo
net.sf.openschema.util - package net.sf.openschema.util
node - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Cache.Entry
The node which values are being cached.
node - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.DecoratedNode
The node being decorated.
Node() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
Create an EMPTY_NODE.
Node(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
Create an EMPTY_NODE.
Node(int) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
Create a node of a given type.
Node(int, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
Create a node of a given type.
Node(OpenSchemaPlanner.Predicate, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
node - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode
Node() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node


ObjectFactory - Class in net.sf.jfuf.fd
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the net.sf.jfuf.fd package.
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class net.sf.jfuf.fd.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: net.sf.jfuf.fd
ObjectFactory - Class in net.sf.openschema
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the net.sf.openschema package.
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: net.sf.openschema
Ontology - Interface in net.sf.openschema
An interface encapsulating all the ontological needs of document structuring schemata.
ontology - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.SimpleFocusChooser
Ontology, employed for the potential focus lists linking decision process.
OpenSchema - Class in net.sf.openschema
Java class for anonymous complex type.
OpenSchema() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema
OpenSchema.Predicate - Class in net.sf.openschema
Java class for anonymous complex type.
OpenSchema.Predicate.Output - Class in net.sf.openschema
Java class for anonymous complex type.
OpenSchema.Predicate.Property - Class in net.sf.openschema
Java class for anonymous complex type.
OpenSchema.Predicate.Variable - Class in net.sf.openschema
Java class for anonymous complex type.
OpenSchemaPlanner - Class in net.sf.openschema
Main OpenSchema class.
OpenSchemaPlanner(InputSource, LocalChooser) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Constructor from an SAX InputSource.
OpenSchemaPlanner.Cache - Class in net.sf.openschema
Values cache.
OpenSchemaPlanner.Cache.Entry - Class in net.sf.openschema
Entry inner class
OpenSchemaPlanner.DecoratedNode - Class in net.sf.openschema
A decorated node inner class.
OpenSchemaPlanner.Node - Class in net.sf.openschema
Node inner class.
OpenSchemaPlanner.Predicate - Class in net.sf.openschema
Predicate inner class
optional - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
outgoing - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
Nodes that can be accessed from the current one.
output - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate
Output() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Output
output - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Predicate
FD to use as clause, after changing the variables to actual values.


paragraphs - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.DocumentPlan
The document plan itself.
parBoundary - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.DecoratedNode
Crossed a paragraph boundary?
parBoundary - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
ParBoundary() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node.ParBoundary
PARBOUNDARY_NODE - Static variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Paragraph boundary node.
parentsOf - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.RDFOntology
Parents of a given concept, map from concept name to Set of parent concepts.
parse(String, Set<String>) - Static method in class net.sf.openschema.Property
Static parse method, this is the only way to create properties.
populate(OpenSchemaPlanner.Node, Map<String, Frame>, List<Map<Object, Frame>>) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Cache
Populate the cache entry for a node and variables with the values.
pos - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.LocalChooser.Decision
Position in the original list.
potentialFoci - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.LocalChooser.Decision
New potential focus list.
predicate - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema
Predicate() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate
predicate - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
Predicate held by this node (if any).
Predicate(String, String, Map<String, String>, Set<String>, List<Property>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Predicate
Full constructor, this is an immutable class.
predicate - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
Predicate() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node.Predicate
PREDICATE_NODE - Static variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Predicate node, contains a predicate reference plus global-to-local mapping.
predicates - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Definition of the rhetorical predicates.
properties - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Predicate
Properties to check upon the variables.
property - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate
Property() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Property
Property - Class in net.sf.openschema
Properties to be checked among variables in the predicate.
Property() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.Property


RandomChooser - Class in net.sf.openschema
A random continuation policy.
RandomChooser() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.RandomChooser
RDFFrameSet - Class in net.sf.openschema
A RDF-based implementation of the interface FrameSet.
RDFFrameSet(Model) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.RDFFrameSet
Construct a FrameSet from an existing RDF model.
RDFFrameSet(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.RDFFrameSet
Load the RDF Model from an InputStream.
RDFFrameSet(String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.RDFFrameSet
Load the RDF Model from an URL.
RDFOntology - Class in net.sf.openschema
An implementation of the Ontology interface from and RDF Schema (rdfs) file.
RDFOntology(Model) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.RDFOntology
Construct an ontology from an existing RDF Model.
RDFOntology(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.RDFOntology
Construct an ontology from an InputStream.
RDFOntology(String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.RDFOntology
Construct an ontology from an URL.
required - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Variable
requiredVars - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Predicate
Set of names of required variables.
resolveAll(VarRef, Frame) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.Property
rnd - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.RandomChooser


schema - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema
SchemaNode - Class in net.sf.openschema
The schema itself, as a regular grammar over the predicates.
SchemaNode() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode
SchemaNode.Node - Class in net.sf.openschema
Java class for anonymous complex type.
SchemaNode.Node.AggrBoundary - Class in net.sf.openschema
Java class for anonymous complex type.
SchemaNode.Node.ParBoundary - Class in net.sf.openschema
Java class for anonymous complex type.
SchemaNode.Node.Predicate - Class in net.sf.openschema
Java class for anonymous complex type.
SchemaNode.Node.Predicate.Variable - Class in net.sf.openschema
Java class for anonymous complex type.
SchemaToXML - Class in net.sf.openschema.demo
Helper class to transform a schema DSL into OpenSchema XML.
SchemaToXML() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.demo.SchemaToXML
SchemaToXmlFilterStream - Class in net.sf.openschema.util
A filter stream that takes schemas defined in the OpenSchema DSL and transforms it to XML in the OpenSchema XSD.
SchemaToXmlFilterStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.util.SchemaToXmlFilterStream
searchValues(OpenSchemaPlanner.Node, Map<String, Frame>, Ontology, FrameSet) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Search for values that satisfy the node properties and the given mapping of variables.
sequence - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
set(String, Object) - Method in interface net.sf.openschema.Frame
Set the value of the key (previous values are erased).
set(String, List<Object>) - Method in interface net.sf.openschema.Frame
Set the values of the key (previous values are erased).
set(String, Object) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.MapFrame
Set the value of the key (previous values are erased).
set(String, List<Object>) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.MapFrame
Set the values of the key (previous values are erased).
setAggrBoundary(SchemaNode.Node.AggrBoundary) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
Sets the value of the aggrBoundary property.
setChoice(SchemaNode) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
Sets the value of the choice property.
setDefaultFocus(Boolean) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Variable
Sets the value of the defaultFocus property.
setFD(FD) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Output
Sets the value of the fd property.
setG(String) - Method in class net.sf.jfuf.fd.AttributeValuePair
Sets the value of the g property.
setID(String) - Method in interface net.sf.openschema.Frame
Modify the type of the frame.
setID(String) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.MapFrame
Modify the type of the frame.
setID(String) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate
Sets the value of the id property.
setID(String) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Variable
Sets the value of the id property.
setKleenePlus(SchemaNode) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
Sets the value of the kleenePlus property.
setKleeneStar(SchemaNode) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
Sets the value of the kleeneStar property.
setN(String) - Method in class net.sf.jfuf.fd.AttributeValuePair
Sets the value of the n property.
setName(String) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node.Predicate
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node.Predicate.Variable
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode
Sets the value of the name property.
setOptional(SchemaNode) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
Sets the value of the optional property.
setOutput(OpenSchema.Predicate.Output) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate
Sets the value of the output property.
setParBoundary(SchemaNode.Node.ParBoundary) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
Sets the value of the parBoundary property.
setPredicate(SchemaNode.Node.Predicate) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
Sets the value of the predicate property.
setRequired(Boolean) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Variable
Sets the value of the required property.
setSchema(SchemaNode) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema
Sets the value of the schema property.
setSequence(SchemaNode) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node
Sets the value of the sequence property.
setType(Object) - Method in interface net.sf.openschema.Frame
Modify the type of the frame.
setType(Object) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.MapFrame
Modify the type of the frame.
setType(String) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Variable
Sets the value of the type property.
setValue(String) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Property
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node.Predicate.Variable
Sets the value of the value property.
setValues(List<Map<Object, Frame>>) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Cache.Entry
Set the values list.
SimpleFocusChooser - Class in net.sf.openschema
A LocalChooser that implements a simple set of focus heuristics described in McKeown (1985).
SimpleFocusChooser(Ontology) - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.SimpleFocusChooser
Constructor, receives the ontology.


TemplateSystem - Class in net.sf.openschema.demo
Sample template system.
TemplateSystem() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.demo.TemplateSystem
top - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Top-level node of the schema, here is where the instantiation starts.
toString() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.DocumentPlan
String rendering, for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.MapFrame
toString(StringBuilder, HashSet<String>) - Method in class net.sf.openschema.MapFrame
toString() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.DecoratedNode
String rendering (for debugging purposes).
toString() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
String rendering (for debugging purposes).
type - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Variable
type - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
Type of the node (EMPTY_NODE, PREDICATE_NODE, etc.).


v - Variable in class net.sf.jfuf.fd.AttributeValuePair
v - Variable in class net.sf.jfuf.fd.FD
value - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Property
value - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node.Predicate.Variable
values - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Cache.Entry
The values that satisty the predicate properties.
variable - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate
Variable() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchema.Predicate.Variable
variable - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node.Predicate
Variable() - Constructor for class net.sf.openschema.SchemaNode.Node.Predicate.Variable
variables() - Method in class net.sf.openschema.Property
Variables this property restricts.
vars - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Cache.Entry
The mapping from global variable names to values.
vars - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Node
Mapping from global-to-local variable names (if any).
vars - Variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner.Predicate
Mapping from local variable names to types.
verbose - Static variable in class net.sf.openschema.demo.TemplateSystem
Verbosity flag, defaults to off.
verbose - Static variable in class net.sf.openschema.OpenSchemaPlanner
Verbosity flag, defaults to off.
verbose - Static variable in class net.sf.openschema.SimpleFocusChooser
Verbosity flag, defaults to off.
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